PATCH NOTES: 1.0.69881
Balance Changes:
Resource Economy
Reduced E115 from bottles 100 >> 75
Reduced Scrap Yield from primary weapons 260 >> 180
Reduced Scrap Yield from secondary weapons 130 >> 100
Reduced Scrap Yield from large ammo 100 >> 75
Reduced Scrap Yield from small ammo 50 >> 35
Increased cost of vehicle repair kit in E115 shop from 1800 >> 2000
Reduced Scrap from Small and Large traces slightly
Reduced E115 from small and large traces slightly
Reduced E115 earned from completing secondary objectives 500 >> 250
Tank Health
Reduced Tank Starting Health from 1600 >> 1400
Reduced Tank Health Upgrade from 2000 >> 1800
Increased LMG turret health
Increased Cannon turret health
Improved tracking of diver missiles
Increased damage radius of diver missiles from 3 >> 4
Reduced min damage from fall-off from 50% at max distance >> 25%
Increased radius of diver missiles
Reduced chance of dropping a vehicle repair kit from belly weak point 100% >> ~45%
Increased damage from LMG turret 30 >> 35
Increased damage from Cannon turret 200 >> 225
Reduced time between LMG/Cannon attacks
Increased base explosion resistance from 50% to 75% to match Diver/Cryptwalker
Increased explosion resistance on eye weak point from 0 > 50%
Increased damage from orbit debris from 125 >> 160
Fixed bug that would result in weak point dropping 2 vehicle repair kits
Reduced chance of dropping a vehicle repair kit from 100% >> ~45%
Increased weakpoint expose time in phase 1 and phase 2 by 1 second
Reduced the number of orbiting debris in Phase 2 and Phase 3
Increased damage multiplier to eye weakpoint from 6 >> 7
Added chance to drop ammo when shooting down debris
Increased health 6000 >> 7500
Reduced chance of dropping a vehicle repair kit from 100% >> ~45%
Fixed a crash when a player would move the camera in photo mode while attached to an enemy turret
Improved the controls of reloading ammo boxes
Removed gamepad rumble if player is using mouse and keyboard
Fixed and issue where the character camera would change when using the scroll wheel to browse the weapon wall
Fixed various collision issues that caused the player to get stuck
Various performance improvements
Fixed bad navmesh at the Traitors Gate POI in the ScrapbeltFixed some locations where E-115 could not be picked up
Adjusted roach enemy settings to properly navigate angled terrain and avoid getting stuck
Optimized graphic settings for older GPUs
Improved vehicle blocking to prevent it from getting stuck on the hermit enemy
Added vehicle boost blur adjustment to accessibility settings
Updated environment foliage and behaviour
Adjust collision in Scrapbelt to allow projectiles through to hit EMP from all angles
Adjusted collision on large debris to prevent vehicle getting stuck in Ashbelt
Repaired an area where player could fall out of world in the Grid
Fixed inability for needle to repair tank from atop turret
Removed outdated setting descriptions
Improved player camera position in tank to prevent camera clipping into vehicle and added camera height adjustment to accessibility settings
Improved camera settings entering the landship for comfortability and to accommodate new height adjustment settings
Fixed bug where secondary weapon ammo would refill on second attachment